Bike tour Overview
Explanations below the table. All tours starting with season 2012 (starting 1.10.2011).
- Table can be sorted and searched, just click on the header of the table to search for the respective column
- Team: alleine, fratelli, RSG
- alleine: means “alone”, so I was alone, without “team”
- fratelli: fratelli is a local bike-shop in Holzgerlingen, with a bike-tour on Saturdays, that I organize regularly. Since 2013, the RSG bike-tours start from fratelli shop on Saturdays
- RSG: “Radsport Gemeinschaft” Böblingen, is my bike-club. I regularly organize the bike-tours on Saturday and Sunday.
- Strecke: brief description of the tour, usually a link to a blog article. The link will usually go to the German article, some of them are translated as well, the translation is available by clicking on the language flag.