Hindelang, Oberjoch, Valley of Tannheim

On Wednesday I went to the Allgäu, a region in the south of Germany, close to the border to Austria. On Wednesday and Thursday a fellow rider was also here in the same town, so we did two tours together. A small and fast one with 60km to warm up on Wednesday, small Tannheimer-Tal tour (GPSies), … and on Thursday a long one with 1330m altutide and 120km, the Namlos-Tour. Unfortunately it rained. The tour itself is great, but we had two times rain for several kilometres, so it was a hard day.

On Friday it rained, so one day to relax. Today I did again a nice tour, via Wertach to Sonthofen and Hindelang and from there climbing the pass up to Oberjoch. Picture from a view-point near Oberjoch:


From the view point I continued to Oberjoch and down into the valley of Tannheim. As I was there early, I did a small detour to the Vilsalpsee:


From there I went to Grän and returned via Pfronten to Nesselwang. Nice tour with 86,6km and 900m altitude (Route on GPSies). Will see if I have enough power tomorrow for a big one…