Cuba2012 – Homepage Neugebauer Family ... about all and nothing ... Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 To Santiago de Cuba Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:00:20 +0000 Continue reading To Santiago de Cuba ]]> After arrival yesterday afternoon in Holguín, we went directly to the Hotel El Bosque in Holguín. The first evening was not so long, just a brief traditional good-night drink, Mojito and Cuba Libre, and then for the bed even before midnight. 6 hours time difference… easy to get over the jet-lag if you start with the right rhythm.
Today nothing too spectacular… just maybe the complete change of the route of our tour… instead of starting with Baracoa, we first go to Santiago de Cuba. The Cuban travel agency missed to book a hotel (or the hotel screwed up?), so the whole tour had to be re-planned, so instead of Baracoa we first go to Santiago today, South-“Capital” of Cuba.

But first we quickly visit the citi of Holguín, breathe a little cuban daily life. Then continuing in direction of Santiago de Cuba, where we have a nice lunch in the Restaurant Zun Zun (name stands for Colibri).
The streets are basically as I remember them from 4 years ago, although it’s relatively OK still today, let’s see when we get to more remote places.
After a short visit in Santiago we will stay today at the Caribbean ocean in the Hotel Costa Morena and test the water briefly. The second night is a bit better to accustom: live Cuban music, Salsa, Son, and later Reggeaton to dance until… what? maybe 1 or 2 in the night?? (well, at least some of us 🙂 )
